Face Painting On-the-Job

It has always been my aim to produce high quality designs in a short amount of time. I absolutely adore the gorgeous, intricate full face or detailed illustration-based designs you see all over the internet, but for me, face painting is about producing on-the-job designs that are quick but still look impressive.

I have been lucky enough to face paint at Treetop Adventure Golf in Leicester city centre over the summer holidays and October half term, which has given me the opportunity to do A LOT of face painting and create some new designs. It’s incredibly dark in there and I can’t really see what I’m painting very well, so anything I do paint that I’m happy with is a double bonus!

insta tiger

This little tiger, as always, is inspired by the incredible Mark Reid. He is absolutely the MASTER of tigers and all things face painting! Until really recently, I hadn’t noticed that his tigers weren’t white in the middle. (I’m not quite sure how I missed that!) So I’ve since adapted my tigers and now omit the white down the nose, replacing it with yellow. Consequently I am now so much happier with my on-the-job tigers, and this little cutie models my updated design perfectly.

On the quieter days at Treetop Golf I have been able to do some more detailed illustrative cheek art. Whilst this still qualifies as ‘on-the-job’ face painting, it definitely takes me much longer to do, with an estimated time of 5-10 minutes per design. I just love this happy little toucan I painted a few weeks back!

toucan fp insta

Whilst I face paint less and less at parties and move more and more into face painting training, I do still do the odd booking! My go-to rainbow butterfly uses a homemade rainbow split cake for sponging round the eyes, then outlining with the same colour combination one stroke. Once I paint one of these, most of the girls at the party all want the same!


Want to learn how to face paint? My next face painting workshop is on Saturday 2nd November, 10am-4.30pm. More info can be found on the event page, or please feel free to message me at livilollipopfairy@gmail.com.

Big love as always,

livi signature


Filed under Face Painting On-the-job

2 responses to “Face Painting On-the-Job

  1. Frank Niemetz

    You certainly have come a long way, haven´t you dear Livi?  🙂

    Greetings from Berlin,


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