Tag Archives: learn to face paint

Face painting lessons | Not just for grown-ups!

Not only do I teach grown-ups to face paint, I have also started teaching children to face paint! We work through most of the same skills I teach in my adult workshops, but at a much slower pace and in shorter classes.

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My first child student booked in last week (well, her mum booked her in!) and I’m not sure who was more excited, her or me! She rocked up in a pink tutu clutching a pink glittery notebook to make notes – a true dedicated student!

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For our first class we used this template to illustrate the beauty and versatility of tear drops. Our aims were to achieve a beautiful rainbow butterfly and some daisies.

My experience has been that once you can paint a tear drop, anything is possible! For this reason, painting the perfect tear drop is one of my top tips for the fundamentals of face painting. We practised tear drops on our arms to nail the technique, and this little girl’s tear drops were ON POINT! I was gobsmacked.

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It can be pretty tricky to achieve – my adult students often exclaiming “This is so much harder than it looks!!” – so sometimes I’ll guide my students’ hand so they can commit the motion to muscle memory. It seems to work!

I then re-painted the face painting practise board to demo how the butterfly is created, and also a little arm butterfly to show how it’s done on skin. This also allows the child to go home with a piece of Livi Lollipop art, which they love 😍

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Child face painting lessons are typically one hour long and I suggest a minimum of 4-6 sessions to understand all the basics. It is then entirely up to you and your child if the lessons continue! Face painting teaching is done at my home in Clarendon Park, Leicester, mainly after school.

If you’d like to learn more about face painting lessons in Leicester for you or your child, please get in touch! Drop me a mail at livilollipopfairy@gmail.com

I look forward to hearing from you!livi signature

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1-2-1 Face painting training | Leicester

As summer draws to a close 😢 I’m upping my face painting teaching and I can’t wait! Taught a wonderful lady last week and have a bunch more clients booked in for the Autumn!

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Demo princess face

In my sessions we cover all the basics – line work and brush technique eg. tear drops, double dipping, tiger stripes and also one stroke painting. We then apply what the client has learned to actual designs: princess crowns, butterflies, tigers, spiderman, hulk etc etc and watch their new skills come alive! I can tailor my sessions to what my client is looking to learn.

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My ‘tear drop’ demo – the fundamentals of face painting!!

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My client painting tear drops for the first time!

Training can either be done on a 1-2-1 basis or in small groups of 2, 3 or 4 to make it more affordable for hobbyists. Sessions are done in my home in Clarendon Park, Leicester on weekdays.

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Swirls and twirls for the perfect princess!

Clients leave the session feeling more confident and more inspired. I always take photos during the classes of our work and email these afterwards, along with a list of suggested kit items and recommended brands.

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Example fairy face & the one stroke paints to achieve it!

If you’re interested in my 1-2-1 face painting training sessions, or would prefer a small group face painting class, please don’t hesitate to get in touch! Happy to answer all your questions and queries. Please email me at livilollipopfairy@gmail.com.

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Face painting training – 1-2-1 in Leicester

It’s been a while! I’ve been busy busy painting things that don’t wash off and shifting my focus to teaching face painting.

Training ladies to face paint is something I love doing! We work on a 1-2-1 basis from my home in Clarendon Park, Leicester and concentrate mainly on brush technique and one stroke painting. In my sessions we cover tear drops, double dipping, tiger stripes, one stroke flowers and princess crowns, butterflies, tigers, spiderman, hulk etc etc I can tailor my sessions to what my client is looking to learn.

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Client learning ‘double dipping’ for the first time!

There’s nothing more heart-warming than seeing someone who has never really painted before suddenly be able to produce a one stroke flower and perfect tear drops!

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Demo faces by me on FAB wipeable boards + homemade one strokes!

Clients leave the session feeling more confident and more inspired. I always take photos during the classes of our work and email these afterwards, along with a list of suggested kit items and recommended brands.

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Demo one stroke flowers on my arm

client armWe focus lots on pretty girly designs but have plenty of time for boys designs too!

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Tribal design mirrored

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Example skeleton pirate face

If you’re interested in my 1-2-1 face painting training sessions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch! Happy to answer all your questions and queries. Please email me at livilollipopfairy@gmail.com.

Happy painting!

livi signature


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